Friday, 28 November 2014


After having a talk from an outside source at school, I gathered a lot of information on the costs and money related topics for attending university both in London and outside of London.

T U I T I O N  F E E:
  9,000 Per Year
A tuition fee loan helps you ton pay for your course. Full time students can apply for a tuition fee loan of up to £9,000 to cover the cost of tuition fees. THe amoubnt you can get doesnt depend on your household income. 

M A I N T E N A N C E  L O A N:
4,000- 5,000: If you are staying at home in London
6,000- 7,000: If you will be moving to a university campus outside of London
8,000- 9,000: If you are thinking of moving out of home to London

R E P A Y M E N T:
21,000 for 3 years
36,000 for 4 years

M A I N T E N A N C E  G R A N T:
MAintenance grant does not include repayment up to 3,387
-If your household income is £25,00 or less you can get the full grant of £3,387.
-Between £25,001 and £42,620 you can get a partial grant between £3,387 and £50. 

O T H E R  S U P P O R T:
DSA-  Disablbed students can recieve a range of support whilst in higher education, both from their institution and also through the disabled students' allowance (DSA). The amount the DSA provide will depend on your needs, not your household income. The DSA will not need to be paid back.

Dependants Grant- THis will be for students who have children or parents depending on them financially.

Bursaries and Scholarships.- MAny universities and colleges offer their own bursaries and scholarships to students. Each university decides what support they will offer so you should contact your chosen university or college directly, to find out what they can offer.

Due to the fact that I am planning to stay in London for university, it is likely that I will recieve a minimum maintenance Loan. That would be if I decided to stay at home during my time in university.

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